Why Torxmaster

Well, let me ask you a question:

If you're on your phone and a web page takes 4 seconds to load each time... How many times would you have had enough? Or imagine you are using an app, it stops working, and you have to reinstall it. Frustrating, right?

This happens every day to mechanics, often in the cold and rain, standing on a wooden roof slat, but with screws that go in with difficulty and a bit that breaks and needs to be replaced. How often do you do this per year?

Also ask yourself: does this have an effect on your screw top, battery and your mood?

After 50,000 screws and 100 bits, I have solved this problem for you. I had a self-tapping tool designed that goes in effortlessly and has unbreakable Torx bits, so you don't have to worry about this.

If you like working with Torx – Torxmaster is the right place for you.

Test it for free! And are you not satisfied? Then you will even get the shipping costs back.